Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where does the time go?

Seriously... It's 3:38... I put Mark down at 3:10, Matthew down a little bit before then. (YES! That means they are both napping currently). But gracious I can't believe it's nearing the end of the day already. Matthew's preschool hours F.L.Y. by. Oh, they are gone before I've even sat down it seems like. Today Mark and I went to the store, came home, put up the groceries, Mark played for a little bit and then laid down to nap. I did laundry and my quiet time and then needed to wake him up to leave to go get Matthew. Ack. We come home, sort through lunch time and "chill" time. Matthew needs to unwind some, then it's books and nap and bam it's 3:30 already. Good thing dinner is in the crock pot (thanks JILL!) or I'd be fretting about getting the chicken thawed in time to cook it. Whew. I love my crock pot...

Nic sent me a link to a woman who cooked her way through a crockpot challenge in 2008. I'm very tempted. I bet I use my crock pot at least two or three nights a week at times. Every day using the crock pot... what must it be like to not have pots and pans to wash every night?

... oh yah, and my camera is still lost. Shoot me. Shoot me now please. Jamie's birthday is Sunday, a milestone birthday... and I have no camera. Groan.

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