Monday, June 9, 2008

Dinning Room

I find myself not having near as much to post about without a constant weight loss challenge or consistently bragging on Matthew...

However I'm excited about our "new" dinning room so I thought I'd share. I'd gotten the table and chairs as a gift from a friend over a year ago. We didn't have space for it at the time so we stored it. Then Jamie's sister moved into an unfurnished appartment and we loaned the set to her while she was there. In the meantime, we moved last fall and do have space for it! So when Kimby's lease was up this weekend, we got our dining set for the first time in our actual possession! I love it!!! It meant squashing our huge playroom, but that hasn't seemed to stop or squash Matthew's playing at all. Here's a pic for you. Oh, and yes, Moses thinks he is now king Tut and the table is a throne just for him. (Sorry it's a dark pic)

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