Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Holy Peanut Butter!

Peter Pan Peanut Butter was on sale at Publix this week BOGO (Buy One Get One) ... There was also a printable coupon to save $1.50 on four items ... So, if you bought the peanut butter in quantities of four, it makes the jars only $0.87 or $0.88 each. I got 8 jars of peanut butter. We already had one in storage, so that is 9 (yes NINE) jars of peanut butter out in storage currently. It's stacked up nicely with our nearly free pasta boxes, condiments, and cans... the two tubs of frosting you see in the corner, those were those were free. Uh-huh. I love free... Anyhow, the Peanut Butter, the expiration ((Mom... I checked)) is August of 2011 on all of them. So let's see what comes faster, August of next summer or us eating through 9 jars of peanut butter. Since this is a staple for Matthew-- typically 2-5 peanut butter crackers for lunch most days, sometimes another 2 or 3 with dinner, I'm not sure the calendar is going to beat us here. But we'll see. Whatever comes first, I'll update with the winner! If I had another $1.50 off coupon, I'd have gotten 12.... who gets Name Brand Peanut Butter at 88 cents a jar??? (((Sorry it's not Skippy, Dad)))

Super cheap Peanut Butter--- SCORE!

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