Friday, October 30, 2009

Cake Balls 2009

OH YES! I'm starting early this year. Yes. I know it's not yet halloween... And I really don't care about it. I just finished all 8 steps of last year's cake balls phenomenon for the first time this year. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you haven't been reading since last December... go here to see the post where I break down step by step instructions for the cake balls. If you've never heard of cake balls before, you also should go here to bakerella's site. She is amazing and where I first learned of them...

Oh my, they are so good. I might have had two in the process of making the first batch. Two isn't a bad number though. I made 48. So there still are 46 to share... And... being the first batch, I couldn't decide. So half are white dipped with reg choc drizzled, and the other half is reg chocolate dipped and white choc drizzled. mmmm.....

oh and if I have any faithful followers of my weight blog wondering about these cake balls, they are 2 points without the chocolate coating, 3 points with. Thank you very much, I put the reciepe in the builder last night before eating any!


Jessica said...

and now i am craving these all over again...

Kate said...

hehe sorry Jess! I ended up giving most of them away so I didn't destroy my OP attempts!