Sunday, September 14, 2008

random baby wonderings...

While it's not extremely late, I find myself solo tonight-- Jamie is in bed with a migraine and has been there since after dinner. Matthew has been in bed for well over an hour. Which means I've been left to my own devices (ie: net surfing).

Obvious wondering: who is in there? Are you a boy or girl? This week alone about 5 different people have either made their assumptions or asked if we're finding out or why we aren't finding out and all that. It's making me curious but not curious enough to know for sure. I love the idea of waiting. I love the hope of Jamie having his "movie moment" and getting to announce who's there to those waiting in the waiting room! So, we'll continue to wonder who our Manna baby is in there.

Another thing I've been extremely focused on this week is the bigness factor going on here. Since Tuesday I've done nothing but wonder about our three options with this belly measuring so far ahead: 1. It's just heavy on fluid and will balance out by next time. 2. there is a seriously large baby in there 3. could it still be potentially twins???? We had our big u/s and there was clearly ONE baby on that screen. They've only been finding ONE heartbeat at each visit-- but who's to say there isn't one hiding!? Could there be two in there?! It's nuts to think about. Seriously nuts. And I have another three weeks to wonder which scenario it is until my next appt.

The last thing I'll just ramble on about which I already have on here but oh well-- is this child is ACTIVE. Jamie said again last night he was woken to the child beating on him during the night. I of course did not wake up or recall the events. Today in church the child was beating on my bible in my lap. You could actually see the book being bumped it was crazy funny! But painful too. I've never felt anything like this before. I can't believe I missed all this action with Matthew.

Anyhow, that's my mind's wanderings for tonight.
Sleep well all.

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