Tuesday, September 9, 2008

another baby update

I had a normal check up today. We're measuring ahead of schedule by four weeks, so my midwife said at the next appt if we're still measuring that far ahead, she'll do an u/s and see how big Manna is in there. I'm hoping it will balance out. As most would, I'm hoping we don't have a big baby in there. But we'll see. Also, I took my glucose test today. I should have the results by Thursday. I'm hoping beyond hope that we're healthy enough to pass it this time around. Otherwise we go back to the lab for more tests. Heard a good strong heartbeat, though baby was a wiggly-worm! This one is still just so active!

I'll post again when we get the GL results.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I am glad that you and the baby are doing well! If it is half as cute as Matthew it will be adorable!