Thursday, September 25, 2008


So I made a poll just now. Jamie asked if I had explained the 'Manna' name or not on here and while I think I have... I'll do again just in case.

We're not finding out the gender so instead of calling it "it" the whole time, I like to have a name to use. With Matthew, he was Cashew until born. Combination of the girl name we chose and the boy one... this time is the same. Manna is a combination of our name choices. (We've chosen a different girl name than the one we had picked out for Matthew). Manna is fitting also since manna in the Bible was a 'gift from Heaven.' Translated, the word manna actually means "what's that?" They didn't know what it was they were given so they called it "what's that" haha! Thus, our Manna baby is just those two descriptions: he or she *is* a gift from Heaven and we don't yet know *what* it is, so it is simply "what's that"!

... Lady in the Taco Bell drive through last night asked if she could ask what we were having. My typical response is "a baby" though I just told her we didn't know. To which I actually can't remember what she said. It was probably at least positive, unlike a cashier last week who told me it would be a SHAME to have a second boy when I told her that we didn't know... UGH! Why can't people keep their negative thoughts to themselves!?

So, anyhow, cast your vote. And I'll take any positive feedback you'd like to leave us about not finding out who is in there. ;)


Laelia Watt said...

Someone actually said that? "It would be a SHAME to have another boy" ??? How horrible! People can be retarded sometimes. My mom says that sometimes you can tell the sex of a baby by looking at how the belly is shaped or how high it sits, but I can't tell from pictures and I don't know the difference either. For no reason in particular except that this is what sticks in my mind, I will vote that you are having a girl.

Kate said...

Laelia, you have no idea the stuff people have said assuming I want a girl since we already have a boy. I've heard some crazy stuff, but that lady's comments was the icing so far-- yup, she said "it would be a shame to raise two boys!" omg! and while I do want a girl, I wouldn't hate another boy either!!! ugh.

thanks for letting me know how you voted! ;)