Tuesday, May 15, 2012


... and I mean the book of, not my child...
I've been reading in the book of Mark and today's passage struck me... it was about Jesus telling the disciples to let the little children come to Him. ... this got me really thinking about HOW I treat these little children I have in my possession, even if it's on loan...

I pray daily for my children. I pray that they will grow into men of God, that they will love the Lord their God will all their heart, all their might, all their strength like we're told in Deuteronomy to do. I'm teaching them verses from the Bible, I've written them on the walls, praying that God's Word will sink deep into their being... I'm hoping and praying that I can be an example to them, living out Christ's love...

Today, at the park, I watched a momma of several small children keep very calm and be very patient. She didn't raise her voice, she didn't demand of them... She expected things, and they obeyed, or they heard the disappointment in her voice, but there wasn't any harsh words or raised tones. I was actually impressed, and I felt myself in my spirit become very convicted.

If I were in an AA meeting... it would be like this "Hi, my name is Kate, I yell at my kids" .... sigh. I am so tired of yelling. The yelling doesn't work. It. Does. Not. Work. After being at the park with witnessing this interesting family dynamics displayed, I came home and vowed (for the what 43, 212th time) to not yell or raise my voice for the rest of the day. Let me tell you something, there is hope yet!

I was able to keep my cool several different times that would have totally been yelling moments yesterday. Of course the day didn't end without tears, but I can actually say I kept my cool and didn't yell when the desire was great to do so.

At church right now, there is a ScreamFree parenting course going on. It goes with the ScreamFree Parenting book I've read... I wish I knew where my copy was... I'd love to re-read it. It's been quite awhile. I am going to be working on calmness...politeness....patience... (ack! no, not patience!) towards my children so that they can mimic these good qualities instead of playing house and barking orders at each other...

Thank you, friend  B, through even your trials, you were able to show me guidance, without knowing it today. We were able to help each other.

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