Tuesday, November 2, 2010

crisscross arms

Most of the time, when you want to find out the gender of a baby, the baby becomes shy and you can't see the goods down there... well today, we wanted to see the baby's face. The ultrasound tech was checking off the measurements and such she needed given this was our "big" u/s. She got to the face though, and the baby said "NOPE!" We couldn't see the face at all. Not profile, not dead on... be/c two arms were crisscrossed in front of the face. We could see perfect little hands and the arm bones and elbows folded nicely in front of the face. The u/s tech tried to wiggle the probe around, jiggling my outsides, asking little baby to move his/her hands out of the way. I will say with zero luck! Baby stayed firmly in a "ha ha ha, you can't see my lips!" position. An item to check off, is to see if the baby has well formed lips or if there is a clef (sp??) problem. So, we were sent out of the office, to QT where I ate a spice chicken wrap and half a donut and a coke/slush mixture. Come on baby! Move around! We went back to the office and back on the table and again with the ultrasound goop... and there was the baby, happy as could be. Holding the left hand down, then stuck it up in the air as if waving "HI!" and put it back down. The right hand was going up and down, sucking on the thumb. So cute. We saw a perfect profile. No lip issues were detected, and I got to hear that sweet pitter-patter heartbeat twice today. The gender was kept hidden from me. But I did get to see my baby's sweet profile. Thank you baby, for cooperating. You just wanted that donut, huh? *muah! Momma loves you.

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