Thursday, December 24, 2009


As I looked around the living room this evening, I was touched... blessed. There was a moment when my heart just soared, I was on cloud nine. I was smiling ear to ear and it wasn't because of the beautiful music coming from the tv. It was because my family. Most everyone that I hold dear to my heart was in the same room, with the same purpose. My oldest son sat in his daddy's lap, my youngest in mine, a dog between us, my parents on the couch across from us, my sister in a big comfy chair, her boyfriend at her feet, another dog next to him, ....Christmas carols being sung by a choir... it was perfection. I felt my heart just beat faster thinking about it again. It was just beautiful. I watched my son watch my uncle's chorus sing these beautiful songs and my heart just was so happy. As they sang songs he is getting familiar with, it was just beautiful--- I wish I could come up with another word, but it was just simply beautiful to watch him know the songs that tell the story of Christ's birth. He knows that tomorrow is Jesus' birthday and we give gifts to celebrate that God gave us a gift. He gave us Jesus. There is nothing more touching than that child-like-faith.

For more information on the amazing choir we watched tonight, click here to learn about the Ambassadors of Harmony located out of St. Louis, MO. I love them. They are amazing.

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