Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years to all and to all a good night

I'm sitting here in the midst of another beautiful moment. Jamie's reading books to Matthew, Mark is in Grandma's lap and they are looking at the balls and bells on the tree. Papa is watching football and I'm just enjoying the sounds of my children and being with family. We're with Jamie's family this time. What a wonderful holiday season we've had. This past two weeks we've spent a lot of time with a lot of family. It's been so nice. I need to update a bunch of pictures but right now I'm not at home, not on my computer. ... so I'll do that next week.

Last year I spent a long post reflecting on the past months of travel and events. I will tell you that I'll spare us all that month by month break downthis year. Let's see if I can do this in a shorter way... I was blessed last year on Dec 23rd with my second son, so I can tell you that the first several months of 2009 were HARD and LONG and sleep-deprived. But of course worth it all the same. In March I was able to surprise my best friend for her birthday, that was definately a highlight of the year. Another highlight for our family was in August spending a week in CO with our family, my parents, my sister and her boyfriend and his family. It was a very neat joint vacation. The end of the year has been my favorite so far. I've been surounded with family and yesterday my sister and her boyfriend got engaged. It's so exciting to see them start to plan their lives together for the long haul. They have some obstacles facing them to start off but I knwo that they can do it. I am so happy for them both! My sister has worked so hard and so long and she deserves to be loved and cherrished and I know that this man will do just that.

In addition to my reflections post last year... I mad ea big long todo about my goals for the year to come. I will not be doing that again this year. I can tell you some thoughts, but not specific goals. 1. Lose weight. Period. Last year I put a number on it and didn't make that number. Not bad, I'm not far from it, but still no dice. There were a lot of other weight related goals last year but they weren't reached, and this year I'm not interested in setting myself up for failure. I need to lose the rest of this weight. That's all there is to it.

2. I need to be more in the Word. Daily. No excuses. No but no if no after no whenever I can maybe put the baby... no... I need to be in the Word daily. I read what I wrote last year about me talking to my earthly husband and telling him that I love him daily, but neglecting my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Husband. Why????!? Am I really too busy to love Jesus every day? To show Jesus my love by honoring Him and reading His word?? The answer better be no.

That's all.

Good night everyone. Merry New Year.

1 comment:

Laelia Watt said...

Thanks for posting! I need to also resolve to be in God's word every day-I have been really letting it fall by the wayside. Your post encouraged me!