Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shopping -- fail.

This week's attempts so far have been sad, very sad. I don't want to post in the details so sad. Boils down to this... I left CVS without any new ECBs even though I knew what I wanted to buy... And without the paper towels I went there specifically for... Matthew left after having his bottom popped not once but TWICE for running away from me and knocking things off the shelves (he's too big for him and Mark's seat to be in the shopping cart, those things are small)... Mark screamed nearly the whole time ... love the "help" from complete strangers.... I did end up leaving with a pack of pens and free baby food....

But tell me this...

If you shop (With or Without coupons/planning/folders/binders/envelopes/whatever) with your kids, HOW DO YOU DO IT??? AND ARE YOU STILL SANE???

Please really, leave me comments...


Nic said...

Okay, what shopping carts do they have where you can't fit Matthew in the front and the car seat in the back? Or vice versa? Or carry Mark in and let him sit up in the cart with Matthew in the back.

I shop with both kids all the time. Often solo. It isn't always a fun & leisurely experience, but it generally goes okay. But I don't let either child free EVER unless I have someone with me (1 to push the cart, 1 to hold a hand).

AWillman said...

CVS carts are VERY small so that could be a challenge.

I wouldn't say that I bribe Nora but there is a list of things that will keep her wildly happy for 30 mins.

1. A ballon - I just blow one up at home.
2. Rice cakes
3. A juice box
4. Her eraser Choo-Choo

BTW, I was at Big Lots and noticed these things

1. baby food for $.30 a jar
2. Propel water 6 pk for $3
3. Box tampons (40ct) $4
4. Stayfree pads 30ct. $3

Of course I stocked on the feminine supples.

Kate said...

Nic, I can barely fit Mark's seat on top and my purse with three boxes of cereal in the CVS carts. they are SMALLLLLL. Very small. Matthew was great the first time we did this. MOST times I go into CVS int he past, it was to get meds. So we'd walk to the pharmacy, and he'd sit his hiney in a chair. But now that I'm actually "shopping" there... like I said, first time he did great. He walked with me, very excited about different "paths" to go down, but this time, he was *sigh* not.

Amanda, I'm not ever at Big Lots but that's good to know. You take a balloon with you into stores????

Marsha said...

I try to shop where they have the HUGE carts with the seats attached to front of cart!!! I squeeze my 3 in those two seats and they are not allowed to get out!! We play games while shopping (find a color, shape, etc.). And I pack lots of snacks. I do not use coupons, too much to handle. Try get in and out as fast as possible!!!! if the cart is not big enough for them to ride in they have to hold on to the side of the cart and not let go! many times we will have to go potty (1 or 2 times) and have had many tantrums. Just part of being a Mom!! Not sure how I will do with 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AWillman said...

I bought her one at Walgreens for $.59. It's on of the super thick ones that's attached to a rubberband. I figure it's entertaining my child and the management would rather have happy kiddo than screaming.

Of course, Kroger and Publix will give kiddos helium balloons for free. This ballon is for when we thrift store or browse antiques.

Tina said...

I have been known to go late at night after they are in bed so I can go alone if I am getting a lot of stuff, especially b/c the cvs carts are so small. Otherwise I make a few small trips throughout the week because they only behave so long. But I can drive past a cvs just about anywhere I go so it is not out of my way.

For big trips, like to the grocery store I have to give them jobs. It is the only way they will be helpful. K cuts out the pictures from the ads and tapes them to her own shopping list. Then she is responsible for finding those things in the store. Or I hand them a coupon when we are in that aisle and challenge them to see who can find it first. K always wins but A will still bring me a box or whatever and throw it in the cart. They also fight over how gets to put the fruit in the bag. So basically I am saying make him your helper & give him jobs he is specifically responsible for.