Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cha-Ching at Publix

After getting our double coupon paper today I was able to go through the coupons during Mark's nap. I decided I'd try to tackle one store tonight. Since they have a penny deal (more on that in a bit) that's only good Sundays and Mondays... AND as it was pouring down rain and expecting to rain tomorrow, I didn't want to drag the boys out in the rain for deals. I'm not that bad,.... yet. hehe.

Anyhow, I did two separate purchases since I had two of the penny coupons. Basically if you buy over a ten dollar purchase, then you get the decided upon item for a penny. Each week it's a different item. Sometimes it's a 2 liter soda or a 64 oz juice.... this week it was salad dressings. So I was able to get two salad dressings for a penny each. That alone is hysterical to me. A penny each. Amazing.

Okay, then the sale deals...
Lets start with cereal. (Select) General Mills cereals were on sale BOGO (buy one get one) and I had 2 coupons for $1 off 3. Sooo, I got 6 boxes for the price of 3 boxes, with 2 dollars off that! $9.97 OOP (out of pocket) for 6 boxes of cereal.
Lysol was a pretty nice deal too... Spray was on sale for 3.99, 2.30 off the regular price and I had 2 1.00 off coupons. And the wipes were on sale BOGO and I had a .50 coupon (which gets doubled)... So I got two sprays, and two wipes all for $11.97. Normal price would have been $22.26
Okay yogurt and bar deal:
I had a .70 cents off 2 Nature Valley Trail Mix bars coupon. Not a great coupon, but not bad either on bars that we regularly give to Matthew, so I got both boxes. Then there was an add for $1 off Yo plait if you bought Nature Valley Trail Mix! Yogurt is a staple here, so that made for a good deal, AND I had a .50 cents coupon off 32 oz of Yo plait (doubled) so that was a great deal ! I paid $6.79 for what regularly would have been 9.27... I find a discount on things we'd buy any how really really rewarding!
I got an olive oil at half price since it was BOGO, same for a cake box mix... if I had coupons for either I would have gotten more, but I couldn't find coupons and I knew they were both things that we will use, so it was just nice to get those things on mega sale.
I had a $1 off 2 Mueller pasta noodles, so I got two of those and they were BOGO, LOVE IT!

All in all I spent 30.61 OOP
Saved 42.04

AMAZING. Amazing.

(let me tell you how stocked up on cereal we are currently, but it's a really nice feeling.)

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