Saturday, May 16, 2009


So a VERY last minute impromptu "Hey we should all go to the movies tonight" happened with some of the ladies in my Sunday School class... Eight mommas trotted off to the movies at 9pm leaving the daddies at home with the babies. Since I'd already been out this morning for WW meeting and yard sale-ing AND the oil changed, THIS was a big deal for me! I opened the door just now after being dropped off and all is quiet on the western front. ... shhhh.... listen.... (pause) (looking around) Nothing! Jamie is sleeping in our bed, Matthew's door is closed, no noise from the monitor, Mark is (I'm assuming) in the office, since that door is also pulled closed. What shall I do with myself? HA! I'm going to sleep! Night! (I love my husband~!!~ Thank you babe!)

1 comment:

Nic said...

Okay, that's awesome. Give that man an award! Woo hoo!!!!! :-)