Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I thought I'd ramble on here for a while tonight...

1. Matthew could care less about the potty now. If you ask him if he wants to sit on it now, he has a complete meltdown "No Mommmmma!" BUT if *you* are on it .... he needs "Mafew's turn" ugh. So either it's no flippin way or it's a joke. Truthfully I thought it was too early anyhow, so I'm going to stop asking him about it. We'll see if he asks me on his own again or if it's tabled for the time being. Anyhow, that was pretty short lived, huh?! haha

2. Baby news-- this child KICKS a lot. With Matthew, at this point in the pregnancy I hadn't even felt him at all yet. In fact not for another 2 or 3 weeks I think. But this one is miss or mr. ACTIVE. Jamie said the other night that he was actually woken up by our Manna kicking him. Since I sleep like the dead I didn't wake up and find it funny. We have the next appt Tuesday September 9th. I can't believe how far we are already. It's just surreal sometimes. I'm half way through 22 weeks. Oh, and I'm out there. WHEW. It seems like this belly has just popped over night. I have to turn sideways now to do the laundry, otherwise I'm shoving the belly into the washing machine which is painful. bah.

3. I feel the need to talk about my dad. ...Tomorrow will be a week on radiation. Two weeks ago, after three scans, active cancer cells were found around his surgery site. The good news is that no new sites were found. No tumor was found. If it is in the tissue surrounding the surgery site, then the docs are pretty hopeful that the radiation will for sure knock the rest of it out. This came as a shock to all us. After the surgery last October he had good PSA counts (where they test your blood for the cancer levels) at 0.05. Anything under a 4 is considered good, so this was excellent news. Then what caused all the concern and additional testing and scans recently is becuase a routine PSA count testing showed his levels at 1.2. From 0.05 to go to 1.2 in a 3 month span is a little scary. That means there was something in there and it was growing/spreading... SO. The positive is that the docs are being proactive. This didn't sit around for another three months to be tested later and compared with. My mom has said that there is a pannel of docs looking over his files and all that. And every five days of radiation a doc meets with him and discusses the side effects/any effects and such. -- Oh and the radiation will last every day for the next 8 weeks.

Please keep him and my mom in your prayers and thoughts. I'm praising God knowing that HE is the ultimate healer and asking for the cancer to be removed from my dad's body. It's hard to think we're doing this again around the same time as things began firming up last year. BUT I know that God is good and HE is faithful and just. I just wish I knew all the why's sometimes. Huh?

Anyhow that's it for now. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Cheers.

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