Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ready to Relay?!

Well friends, it's that time again. Time to Relay! This will be my second year walking in the Walton County, Georgia's Relay for Life. If you are unfamiliar with this--Relay For Life is an overnight event with the American Cancer Society to raise funds to find a CURE!

I walk in support and honor and love for my dad and my grams who are both cancer survivors. I can't imagine life without either one of them. All last summer my grams battled breast cancer with harsh radiation treatments and she is now a survivor! My dad was diagnosed in the fall with prostate cancer. He opted to go straight for major surgery and we believe that it was successful in removing all the cancer intact. He is also a survivor! God is so good.

I know that we can raise enough money to surpass our team goals. Will you help?

Also, I will ask if you can not give financially at this time, I'll ask you to pray for our efforts to be successful according to God's will! Thank you.

If you are interested in donating financially please see my personal donation webpage for these efforts!

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