Monday, March 5, 2012


(Okay, first, isn't he the cutest stinkin thing?!)

Ta Da! Look, I made it 7 days before his birthday, it's official, Micah lives here! His name made it on the door. We took a vote as to where Micah's name should be: on the bottom of the boy's door, in the middle between the big boy's names or on his own door (which is the office/nursery/guestbedroom door) and the vote was on their shared door. So some day I guess he's movin in there with them. We'll see how long he stays put in his own crib for now though.

In other painting news, Matthew had been asking and asking for a sunshine in their ocean scene. "Mark's side has a boat," he'd tell me. Which is funny, because I painted the boat for him when he slept in the toddler bed, but his new "big boy" side was without anything above water. So, I finally obliged and painted a sunshine. The sun without the rays has been there about two weeks now. We'd been discussing what to do about the rays... I had been wanting to paint the fruit of the spirit up for some time and in the end, at Jamie's suggestion to put them as the rays, Matthew got his sun and I got the fruit of the spirit up on the wall. They aren't in the order biblically from left to right, also Jamie's suggestion, I tried to put the longest one in the middle and the shorter ones on the edges to look like you'd think the sun looking... the boys LOVE their new sunshine!

Given the painting party I was having by myself, I also took the liberty to paint over some of the more tackier ocean life that had been previously painted. There was a sad octopus and a really sad shark that got painted over. Mark announced "Hey! The shark dis-ta-peer-did" Yup, it did, but I replaced both with a way cooler octopus and more fish. Mark's side also got more fish added. Now Jamie says all this room is missing are seagulls. I'm going to say "too bad" to that one though, I doubt I'll be painting seagulls in there. I told him I'd consider clouds but he didn't seem interested in that part. Anyhow, here's Matthew's side of the room. I didn't think to take a picture of the boat side.

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