Thursday, November 27, 2008


I sit here with tears in my eyes...

Sometimes it is hard to be thankful when you feel slighted or hurt or lonely or without or lost or afraid or or or...

I feel very isolated right now. I have a great need to be with my mom, even though she was just here last week. I'm so thankful for her and for our friendship and for our relationship in general-- and from where it has come. I'm so thankful for her love and her companionship. There are days when I talk to know one else outside the house but her. There are days when I can only call her and share with her my feelings. There are days when I know she needs me as much as I need her. I love you mom.

But, I am thankful...

-for my God who loves me just because of who He is.
-for my husband who loves me more than I deserve.
-for my son, my sweet Matthew. I love his kisses and snuggles.
-for my unborn Manna, whom I can't wait to meet soon.
-for my lost child who is in Heaven with Jesus waiting for me.
-for friends who understand that kind of loss
-for the family that is close by, Jamie's parents and siblings.
-for all the family that is far, but still close in my heart.
-for Jamie's job and the provision God continues.
-for Jamie's health and his ability to hold his job.
-for the ability to stay at home and raise our children
-for the ability to have Jamie's children
-for snow-- I miss the snow...
-for memories made
-for life.
-for love.
-for Jesus Christ above all else.

1 comment:

AWillman said...

Isn't it amazing how as you become older you bond with your mom!? I guess we finally start understanding everything they experienced and did as wives and mothers'