Sunday, November 16, 2008

The General Public

My word. .... Yes. I know I'm pregnant. Thank you.

Couple stupid "here's your sign" stories from the general public from this weekend:

1. Dude at gas station has to help me cuz the machine is whacked out and wouldn't take my rewards card. Anyhow, he goes "Woah, girl, you're really pregnant, aren't you?" here's your sign? I replied "Yes, sir. I am." But I wanted to scream at him... "No. I thought I'd just swallow a freaking watermelon this morning and see what it did to me." Duh.

2. Walmart checker goes "So it's a girl, right?" I'm like "I donno" she goes, "Oh, so it's a boy."'s your sign?? ... I say "no, I don't know. I don't know either way" She looked at me like I'm nuts and said "well it's a baby right?" ... No... no, it's an alien, a bowling ball, a head of lettuce, YES it's a baby. I just don't know what the sex is you moron. I just stared at her and said "Yup, it sure is." ...Here's your second sign???

3. Lady today passing by said "Aww, you're really out there" (thanks) "So, what are you having?" I said, "um, a baby, we don't know yet who it is" She said, "oh you don't have your names picked out or you aren't sharing them?" I said, "no, we have names, I just don't know which one yet" She goes, "oh so what is it?" ... um.... I'm like "I donno" She says (and a little frusterated I think) "You just don't know yet?" (with her eyebrows raised at me like I'm lying as she takes inventory of how far out my tummy is...) I say, "No, we aren't finding out. I don't want to know" (now my own frustration starting to kick in. Give it up lady) she simply says, "Oh well that's foolish. Why wouldn't you want to know? How can you know what to name it?" ... well, I don't, which is why I have a name either way you flapjack!... and I simply said "well we have two options, one either way." And she says "well I'd make them tell you at your next appt." ....did you miss the part where I said I didn't want to know?!?!!? UGH!

WHY is it the general public's need to know what/who is in MY tummy? And why can't people just accept it when I tell them I don't know. That I don't want to know. That I'm anxiously awaiting the greatest gift ever given and I don't want to peak. You'd think after you say "I don't know" that would be enough, but my word, people need reasons.

How can you possibly be measuring 38 weeks pregnant, sticking out as far as China and NOT know the sex of the ONE (I had two "it's twins right?" comments this weekend) baby in your belly?!? ... Becuase I'm the momma and I can. ...

I remember this being an issue when I was pg with Matthew but seriously, the comments get better and better...


Brenda's Brushes said...

Kate - I'm so proud of you for maintaining your sense of humor and being able to express it for all of us to enjoy. You look healthy, beautiful and glowing.

Kate said...

ha, thanks Brenda! It's silly is what it is ;)

Marsha said...

This post had me laughing!!! Don't you just love it when people speak before they think!!

Becka said...

Good job keeping your temper in check. I think so few people are around pregnant women that they dont know what to say.

Oh and I LOVE "you flapjack!"... Im going to have start using that.

Liz said...

I know what you mean. Last night I had someone basically yell at me telling me technology is there for a reason- USE IT!

Um...I don't have an iPhone either. Does that make me a cave momma?