Monday, April 9, 2012

I'm here I'm here.

My poor neglected blog. There there. (pat pat). Spring break really knocks it out of a person. I was going to post more pictures from our photo shoot, but that didn't happen. I was going to blog while on Spring Break but that didn't happen. I told myself to blog yesterday and sing praises that the Lord has Risen on the blog world, but that didn't happen-- I barely posted to facebook. In today's day and age, it seems a fast two sentence status update on facebook is all people care about anyhow. My blog is becoming more of a journal for me to mark important dates and landmarks in our lives than for "blogging" anymore. But who knows, maybe it will take on more life again.

Baseball starts tomorrow at my house. My five year old will begin baseball this year. First practice is tomorrow. We spent Saturday afternoon shopping for a helmet (he picked out bright orange) and a glove. This will be our first outside activity besides church functions. I'm pretty excited but also nervous for him. I know that other kids on the team may have played in previous seasons and I'm hoping he will catch on quickly. I know he's so excited though! He apparently told his teacher today at school that he wouldn't be there tomorrow because he'd have baseball instead. Ha! Sorry buddy... baseball is AFTER school.

That said, I'm worn out and distracted. I'll hopefully do photo updates and recaps over the last two weeks tomorrow.

... I will say this though...


good night !

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