Wednesday, April 20, 2011

do you have any coupons?

Why yes. Yes I do.

Today I saved 27 dollars at Rite Aid, paying just under 8 bucks! Sweeet. I swear I'm never paying full price for body wash ever again. Nivea had a sweet sale this week. I got 6 body wash, spent 7 something and earned 5UPS back for later spending.

I've been to publix and kroger lately with awesome deals. I haven't been posting great updates but hopefully I can get back at it. My stockpile is growing and I'm so pleased to be helping my family with it. My goal for May is to USE the stockpile to plan meals from it and see if we can't save the grocery dough!

This is mostly a post to say I'm still in this game and don't worry cool break downs are coming back. I haven't slid off this horse, I'll be playing this game forever! There is no going back!

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