Monday, August 1, 2011

a picnic with Jesus

Saturday, Matthew was gone on an adventure with my dear friend Nancy. While he was gone, Mark decided to have a picnic in the living room. Jamie was on the couch and I was on the floor with Micah. Mark went after play dishes and play food and gave us all some. Even Micah had a plate of food. It was really sweet...

Then after sitting down and singing "The School One" blessing,
he said "OH! I forgot Matthew.
So he went to fix Matthew a plate for when he got back home.
Then sitting down again, Mark said, "OH! I forgot Jesus."
and he scampered off to get Jesus a plate.
He came back and sat down and looked at me... "Jesus come my picnic?"
I answered "yes. Jesus can come to your picnic if you want."
He looked relieved. "Oh okay," he said.
We took that window he created to talk about how Jesus is always with him and He can come to his picnic any time or his room or his school, that Jesus will go wherever Mark goes as long as Mark wants him to, He will be there.
After chatting about it for a few minutes, I said, "Mark, where does Jesus live?"
He looked at me proudly and patted his tummy. "Me heart!"


that boy sure does make me smile!

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