Friday, August 5, 2011

one of the last firsts

I can hardly stand it... My sweet baby boy is about to be five months old next week. He'd been really eyeing the spoon usage lately as we all sit around him eating. I decided last night that we might as well start. So, Micah had his first rice cereal. It's really made me start thinking (again) about how this is the last (probably) of another first. Micah is really going to make me enjoy each and every one of his milestones because more than likely they will be the last "firsts" we see in this house. So I pulled out the camera last night to give to Jamie and he captured Micah's "first" with the spoon. And I got a little caught up in it being the last time I feed my children for the first time. ... that said... Micah really enjoyed it. He wanted to hold the spoon, so eventually I just gave up and gave it to him and got a new one to keep feeding him with. For our first try, we were pretty messy of course and had to go straight to the bath. It was fun. I love being a mom.

Just for fun...
This is the scene that was before me this morning.
I put Micah on the floor to change the pack and play sheets.
When I came back, Matthew was completely entertaining him.

and here's Mark, of course.

1 comment:

Brenda's Brushes said...

It looks like your Sweet Micah is starting to rock. He'll be taking-off crawling before you know it.

Trust me...the 20 years or so that we have our children flies by like the blink of an eye.

I love your blog :)