Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful 11-14

It is just hard to get my blogging shoes on sometimes. I have very real well meaning intentions to get my "write on" instead of the fast and easy facebook quickie, but as I sit down someone spills milk or just when I think everyone is asleep someone wakes up or when I think all are playing nicely in the playroom and I open up a new page, I hear "uh-oh". My head hands. My blog is neglected and my Mommy-drive kicks in. Sometimes you can't even see to the keyboard on my desk. There are water bottles, piles of jackets and change of clothes for fill in the blank. There are stacks and stacks and I mean stacks of art work these people bring home daily. Currently there is a basket I just don't know where else to put, a make up bag that hasn't found it's way back to the bathroom since Sunday, there is the remains of Mark's halloween costume, and a stack of books I keep meaning to read and a blue sock. Hmmm wonder where the mate of said sock is... hmmm...

Anyhow, I regress...

Oh mercy am I full of thankfuls today. I shall start back with the 11th: I was (and still am) thankful for God's mercy and protection. I was able to allow the Lord to lead me in a very real spiritual and physical battle. I am certain of the Father's protection and I am blessed for His mercy towards my children and myself and my friends. God is faithful.

The 12th I thanked the Father for his provision. Jamie and I were scooping out (Jamie was scooping, I was watching) pumpkin gunk and separating the seeds and we googled "how to" preserve them for planting next year and now to roast them for eating this year. We're gifting the rinds and stumps and yuck to a friend with pigs and I'm making a pie from the meat of the pumpkin... we're actually using all of our pumpkins this year instead of throwing them out. I'm thrilled with the idea of having "green" pumpkins this year and for what treasures planting these seeds will bring in the spring.  Yum.  (though I will say it's a lot of work-- makes you also thankful for a can of Libbys!)

The 13th, yesterday I was thankful for my sweet Markie-bug. Oh this man. He makes me melt. Yesterday morning, I was making his lunch and he was at the table coloring a picture, all the while singing "Oh how I love Jesus." I just stopped and listened to him, praising the Savior without hindrance or embarrassment or confusion.  May he always be able to approach the throne of the Father in such a manner. May he seek the Lord with all his whole heart and lean only on the Lord's understanding all the days of his life (Prov 3:5-6). Maybe trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior and ask the Lord into his heart and follow in believer's baptism as his big brother has done. May God guide his footsteps. May God continue to shower him with spunk. He is a blessing to me. My rain after the storm in my life. He is my joy in the morning. He is light in my life. Mr. Personality. I'm so thankful for my middle child, my Markie-bug, my doodle, my batman.

Today, the 14th.. I find myself thankful for coffee. That's what you're thankful for see, after you've stayed up until 2am the night before. I enjoyed some time with a friend last night and I'm also thankful for her in my life. May the Lord guide the relationship and lead me in it. I'm blessed to have her as a friend.

Today though I'm also reminded how precious every moment is and how I never want to take any of it for granted. I find myself thankful thankful thankful for so many things. I'm so blessed. I am so blessed.

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