Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cool Cars Race Track

Oh it was like Christmas morning... Grandpa and Grammy had given the boys a present while they were in town (more on that later) and man alive, you'd have thought it was Christmas morning. As much as Matthew loves his trains and track... he hasn't built a single track since these cars were unwrapped and set up. What was funny is that I'm not sure who had more fun with them last week... Mark and Matthew or Uncle Brian! Uncle Brian happens to be the BEST engineer you see. Matthew has said more than five times now that he NEEDS Uncle Brian to help me. I am not doing a great job of track building. Today it took a while to get the split in the track going the way it needed to go to make the loop work... bah! It's beyond me. But they love it. We sat in the play room today for a lengthy time, Mark being a tunnel for the cars to pass under and Matthew and I working the tracks out. We have discovered that the little cars can push balls on the tracks. So now it's funny to see what else they can push and what makes them crash... any how, here are some of the first pictures of these new cool cars.

Oh yah, and I did I mention that they are even
super fun to play with at night... in the dark....

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